[Article 8825]Vale Stan “Ikey” MILDWATER

Vale Stanley Albert Mildwater.

aka Ikey Mildwater.

1917 – 2019.

Stan’s story as told to the Men of League Magazine in June of 2017

2017 stan story 1

2017 stan story 2

2017 stan story 3


Below is the first mention of Stan “Ikey” Mildwater I can find.

The year is 1936 and Stan is playing for Fairfield A Grade at the age of 19.

1936 stan playing for fairfeild

Note: future Wests First Grade hooker Ken Locke is also in this team.

Stan played Presidents Cup for Wests in 1937 before he was grade in 1938.

1938 first gane at Wests 3 rd grade.

Stan’s first game for Wests.

1938 first try

First try for Wests.

1938 story RLN

Stan rates a mention in the Rugby League News program.

1938 semi final Wests v Cbury

1938 semi v cantb scores.

1938 RLN game mention

Wests Third Grade won the Minor Premiership in 1938.

1938 final v easts red stars

1938 Final game report The Sun newspaper

1938 winning gf blazier patch

The pocket from Stan’s 1938 3rd Grade Premiers Blazer.

1939 & 1940.

In 1939 Stan played in 6 Reserve grade games and 2 Third grade games.

In 1940 he played Stan played in 7 Reserve grade games and 1 Third grade game.


 In 1941 we find Stan playing for the Bathurst Charlestons.


1941 playing for Bathurst Charlestons v orange

A Combined Group 10 team was chosen to play the Sydney Club Canterbury – Bankstown Team at Lithgow.

 1941 group 10 playing canterbury 1

1941 group 10 part 2

1941 group 10 part 3

Stan was chosen to play for Country Seconds V Sydney Seconds.

1941 counrty program v city

1941 story of stan in country game

Unfortunately they were well beaten.

1941 Country seconds game report 2 tries.

*Stan scored 2 tries.

1943 army papers

In early 1943 Stanley Albert Mildwater joined the Army.

1947 wellington v cumnock

We pick up Stan’s Rugby League career again in 1947.

1947 wellinton v dubbo holman.

Stan playing against Dubbo and a very young Keith Holman.

1947 rep game holman at half back stan in the centres

Ikey and Yappy in the same team.


1948 stan at Wellington

1948 stan sent off

Stan sent off.

1948 stan v forbes

1948stan at welligton part 2

1948 wellingto win semi v parkes


1949 stan coach of wellington

1949 Johnnie Walker cup win

1949 stans last game.


1950 stan referee at wellington age 33

Stan still involved in the game he loved Rugby League.



Stan with his grandson Paul Mildwater at the 2018 PPM reunion.

 stan 3

Mike Bailey, Carl Ross, Mick Liubinskas wish Stan best wishes on his 100th Birthday in 2017.

“Think where mans’ glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends” – Yeats

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