[Article 17912]Vale John WILES

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1942 – 2024.

Pratten Park Magpies would like to acknowledge the wonderful contributions to this Vale made by John’s son Justin and long term friend Rick Wayde.



John Wiles was born in Ashfield on the 2nd of October 1942 and lived in Milton Street Ashbury (just a punt kick from Pratten Park) up until his early 20’s.

He attended his first Wests Magpies game at the age of six, walking the short distance to the ground with his Dad.

This marked the beginning of a passionate lifelong following and support of our Club.


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Baby John.

John attended the local Ashbury Public School before gaining selection at Fort Street Boys High School at Petersham.

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Not only did John excel academically, he was also talented at many sports and represented the School in Rugby Union and Cricket.


After finishing high school in 1958 John started an apprenticeship as a photo engraver in the printing industry.

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A young John Wiles.

John went onto have a very successful career in the printing industry and established his own printing company, ‘Orbit  Offset Printing’ at Rydalmere just around the corner from one of his favourite watering holes, The Rydalmere Bowling Club.

It goes without saying, John loved his footy particularly the Western Suburbs Magpies and later the Wests Tigers.

When the NSWRL excluded Western Suburbs from the competition in 1983, John became involved with the Save the Magpies campaign.

He rang Rick Wayde who was General Manger (CEO) at the time at the old red brick building aka the Wests Ashfield Leagues Club.


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Wests Ashfield 1983.

 He introduced himself as a long time Wests supporter and a printer saying ‘How can I help?’  Typical John Wiles.

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 The first thing John did was to print the ‘MAINTAIN THE MAGPIES’ stickers. John printed thousands of them.

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There were many other print jobs to follow. John designed and printed the famous ‘MAGPIE LEGENDS’ posters, which have become collectors items today.

Little did John know one day he would become a ‘MAGPIE LEGEND’ in his own right.

When John became involved with Pratten Park Magpies through his friendship with ex Wests player Jack Thompson, John predictably volunteered to organise the Reunion Publication.

As in all things with John that meant write the copy, organise the photos, supervise the layout then the final printing.

 Geoff Squires, former Secretary of  Pratten Park Magpies had this to say about John.

 ‘John & I worked on the last twelve reunion publications. John did the lion’s share of the work – most of the writing & a lot of the creative ideas & thinking, and of course, the printing. I know that he was very proud of the publications & we felt as if there was continual improvement from year to year.

 John & I were a good team. In fact he was a pleasure to work with. He never became frustrated with my frequent requests for modification. In all of the twelve years I can say that we never had a serious disagreement. John was an optimist with a sunny disposition and he got things done & was always spot on with our schedule.

I will miss John greatly’.


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John’s First and Last Reunion Publications.

 Pratten Park Magpies will be forever grateful for the time and effort that John spent each year to get the Reunion Publication ready for the Reunion.


John had that amazing sense of fellowship. Always caring and looking out for others.

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Mick Liubinskas, Carl Ross, Alan Davidson, John,

Chow Hayes, Barry Glasgow, Noel Kelly and Ben Fisher.

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John with one of his favourite Magpies Noel Kelly.

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John with fellow Fortians.

John, Bobby Dickinson, Nath Cole and sitting Geoff Squires.

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John with great friends Yvonne and Jack Thompson.

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John, Trevor Cogger and Jack Thompson.

Three Great Wests Men.

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Our most recent photo of John, having lunch with Nathan Cole, Yvonne, Jack Thompson, John Wiles and Trevor Cogger at Budgewoi Soccer Club in early July 2024.



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Western Suburbs Archives have just named the Archives Centre ….’JW’s House’ in honour of John’s contribution to our famous Club.



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Maureen and John.

 JW always brightened our days.

We will miss you.

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